You will be paying a bit less to fill up your vehicle’s fuel tank on Friday.
Gasoline and diesel prices fell following the weekly setting by the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board.
The new maximum price for regular self-serve is $1.71 per litre, a drop of just under two cents.
Diesel prices fell by just over three cents to a new maximum of $1.86 per litre.
Heating oil, meanwhile, is now selling for a maximum of $1.59 per litre, a drop of more than three-and-a-half cents.
The drop will not last long with the federal carbon tax increase set to take effect on Monday.
It will add more than three cents to a litre of gasoline and four cents to a litre of diesel.
Meanwhile, in Nova Scotia, regular self-serve ranges from $1.66 to $1.70 per litre while diesel is selling for between $1.85 and $1.89 per litre.
OnĀ Prince Edward Island, the price for regular self-serve is around $1.65 per litre, diesel costs around $1.87 per litre, and home heating oil is selling for a maximum of $1.37 per litre.