Struggling New Brunswick renters can now apply to the government for help.
The provincial government officially launched its Rent Bank program on Wednesday.
The $3-million program will provide grants to help renters with expenses directly linked to staying housed.
Applicants can get two months’ rent or up to $2,750, whichever is less, during the two-year program.
If a household receives less than the maximum amount, it can reapply after 12 months for the remaining funds.
Officials said the money can be used for expenses such as rent, essential utilities or a damage deposit.
Applicants must have an income of less than $50,500 annually for a household without children or $85,000 for a household with children.
Renters need to provide a valid photo ID with their current address, a record of recent rent payments, and a formal notice of eviction or the eviction warnings they have received from their landlord, among other things.
You can find more details about the program on the Government of New Brunswick’s website.