The Kennebecasis Regional Police Force (KRPF) is seeking public input on its new five-year strategic plan.
Chief Steve Gourdeau said work on the guiding document has been ongoing for about three months.
Gourdeau said after getting input from community groups, they launched an online survey to hear from the broader community.
“Our plan is going to focus on people and the theme we’re following in crafting the plan is who do we provide a policing service to,” Gourdeau said in an interview.
“We have to know and understand the issues that residents from all walks of life in our communities are facing on a daily basis. Is it about traffic? Is it about senior abuse? Is it an issue with students facing harassment or bullying online?”
The survey will help KRPF determine if the priorities in their current strategic plan are still relevant.
Gourdeau said he expects a number of those priorities will be carried over into the updated document.
“Employee wellness, I know for sure will continue to be at the forefront of our strategic plan,” he said.
“Traffic safety is a big, big deal in the Kennebecasis Valley, so that likely will be another priority that will carry over.”
Other priorities in the current plan include youth; excellence in investigations, crime reduction and prevention; and connection to the communities.
Gourdeau said the survey — which you can find by clicking here — will be available to fill out until later next week.
A strategic planning retreat is scheduled for the following week with members of the force and the Board of Police Commissioners to discuss the priorities and objectives of the new plan.
“That will be based on what we have been hearing from the community during our consultation period,” said Gourdeau.