The 12 days of a Maritme Christmas
On the first day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-A Stompin Tom Connors CD
On the second day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-Two pounds of Fiddleheads
On the third day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-Three liters of Crosby Molasses
On the fourth day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-Four Donair’s
On the fifth day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-Five two fours of Mooshead Pale Ale (Now that’s a great gift)
On the sixth day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me- A six night stay at the Algonquin
On the seventh day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-Seven cans of Sussex Golden Ginger ale
On the eighth day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me- Eight Big Stop meals (so Yummy)
On the ninth day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me- Nine pints of Keith’s (yahoo more beer)
On the tenth day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-Ten McCain Deep and Delicious cakes
On the eleventh day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me-Eleven bags of Cavendish Fries
On the twelfth day of a Maritime Christmas my true love gave to me- Twelve 0ne and a half pound LOBSTERS (Now that is the best true love gift )