As the Pandemic Fog starts to lift and we start to remember the time before all of our lives were interrupted and put on hold. The pandemic took it’s toll on just about everybody some far worse than others. Some lost members of their family some lost their jobs, and almost everyone lost a normal life. A great number of people had no choice but to go to work everyday and hopefully avoid contracting the virus others were lucky enough to work from home.
I use the phrase “Almost everybody” because there is one group that not only survived but flourished and profited from the horror of the Pandemic and that is THE ONE PERCENT who increased their wealth by the TRILLIONS while many struggled to pay rent and put food on the table.
So as we celebrate (as we should) a return to a normal or new normal life we also remember that parts of our pre-pandemic normal were not great and need to change. The pandemic put many things on hold; and now it is time to try and make things right-FAIR WAGES-AFFORDABLE HOUSING-FAIR TAXATION AND RESPCT AND PROPER CARE FOR OUR SENIORS! Now is the time to make things right.