New Brunswick developers now have until year’s end before having to follow the 2015 National Building Code.
The province has announced a grace period to transition from the 2010 version of the code to the 2015 version, which was adopted earlier this year.
It follows concerns from some developers who had “performed significant work in planning construction based on the 2010 code,” according to Public Safety Minister Ted Flemming.
“We listened and are extending the grace period to provide industry with more time to adjust to the new building code,” Flemming said in a news release.
Building permits under both the 2010 and 2015 versions of the code will now be accepted until Dec. 31.
In addition, small camps and lodges or sheds smaller than 625 square feet will once again be exempt from the code.
New Brunswickers can also continue using unstamped lumber for buildings that fall under the definition of accessory buildings.