If getting out of bed is a battle every morning, you’re not alone. The pandemic has us stressed. Thankfully, Huffpost talked to the experts and came up with a list of six things for us to do if we want to have more energy when the alarm clock rings.
1. Once you open your eyes, do not reach for your cellphone! Two-thirds of us say we they feel tired from “news fatigue”.
2. Try taking ten deep, slow breaths to “cultivate a state of awareness.”
3. Hydrate with a glass of water when you get out of bed. Water moves oxygen through your body, giving your muscles and organs more energy.
4. Get moving. Even exercises like stretching and yoga can increase mood-lifting endorphins,
5 and 6. Make sure you’re eating enough in the morning, especially a breakfast higher in protein and healthy fats to regulate insulin levels and keep your energy up. Skip high amounts of the sweets to avoid an energy-draining “sugar crash