Education Minister Dominic Cardy held a live Q and A on Facebook last night.
He received many questions surrounding COVID-19.
He was asked by one parent, what happens if their child does not attend school while at the orange level.
Cardy says the rules are pretty straight forward, “If the schools are open, then the schools are open and there is an expectation that young people attend school. I can’t be more clear than that. I know that spooks some parents. I ask you to go and look at other places around North America and the schools are staying open in the face of, in some cases, hundreds or even thousands of cases.”
He was also asked about COVID-19 cases in New Brunswick schools. Cardy says we’ve had very little transmission, “Despite the fact that we have had a reasonable number of schools with some cases and even a greater number where there has been at least an exposure to someone who has been infected with COVID-19.”
Another inquiry was regarding wearing masks outdoors, “It is certainly something that based on the feedback that I have heard this past week, that I am going to take back to colleagues and talk a bit more about the outdoor masks side of things, because that is certainly a concern I’ve heard.”
Cardy says last night’s Q and A was a chance for the public to tell the Education Minister what they think, or comment on what the government can do better.