The federal government is being urged to provide immediate aid to Royal Canadian Legions.
The call comes from Ontario MP Eric Melillo as Legions continue to suffer through dire financial straits due to COVID-19.
“Unfortunately the government has been silent really all Summer long on this issue. So I chose to write to the Minister of Veterans Affairs and urge him to provide some support for our Legions to ensure that they can continue to survive and can offer the services that our veterans need.”
Melillo stresses Legions play an incredibly important role in our local communities.
“Not only for the veterans but also just for community members. Legions are spaces where people gather for community events, for breakfasts, for a number of different functions.”
The Conservative notes most Legions don’t qualify for existing COVID-19 support programs.
“Once we’re coming out of the pandemic people are going to be wanting to come back to the Legions and support our Legions and support our veterans. Obviously, they won’t be able to do so if the Legions are unable to operate. So it’s critically important I believe.”
Melillo stresses allowing Legions to be shuttered due to the pandemic would be a tragedy.
He says caucus colleague John Brassard noted the cost to help Legions across Canada weather this storm would be $30-million.
“Compared to the billions that have been spent on various programs during this pandemic, that seems like a small price to pay. And it’s a very small price compared to the sacrifices made by Canada’s veterans.”