The N.B. Green Party has unveiled its plan for a guaranteed livable income for New Brunswickers.
Party leader David Coon appeared alongside Fredericton North candidate Luke Randall to unveil a key piece of the party’s platform Friday afternoon.
“Do we want to subject yet another generation of low-income citizens to extreme poverty, and let COVID-19 driver others into poverty? Or do we want to end the prison of poverty, and ensure everyone can meet the basic needs with dignity?” Coon asked at announcement.
If elected, a pilot plan would be put in place for New Brunswickers receiving disability income, before expanding to include anyone living on social assistance and those making minimum wage.
The Greens estimate the plan will cost $4.7 million annually.
The party leader said a universal basic income is a necessary to help New Brunswickers relying on social assistance.
“Overwhelming numbers of (New Brunswickers collecting disability) reside in single-unit households, they receive $697 a month,” Coon said. “That’s barely enough to afford a room, let alone worry about food and transportation.”