This is Disability Awareness Week and Thursday will see two events in Saint John.
Between 1 PM and 4 PM at the Nick-Nicolle Centre, its Employment Learn and Go and spokesperson Greg Cutler says it is a good time to meet some job seekers and potential employers.
” Mostly with Working 4 Change and Options Employment Outreach Services there will be a chance to exchange information, business cards and a sort of networking opportunity as well,” stated Cutler.
He said events like this will highlight some of the benefits people with a disability can bring to a business.
“Assist people with a disability to prepare for, gain and maintain employment so it’s all about employment and networking opportunities,” said Cutler.
A second event is set for later this evening between 6:30 and 8:30 and will be a Town Hall style meeting at 1 Peel Plaza.
Cutler said it will bring stakeholders, business people, city staff and councillors together to talk about the city in general.
“We will focus on what’s going well, celebrate successes and also discuss things that we can change as we go forward, so it’s a chance for the community and city staff to come together and work together to improve inclusion in the city,” stated Cutler.
The Town Hall meeting will take place in the community room.