In order to grow on a high level, Saint John needs to focus on increasing the tax base, growing the population and creating jobs.
That from Saint John Mayor Don Darling.
Darling says the city needs to “take its show on the road”, in terms of attracting future developers.
He says the Growth Committee originally planned on meeting once per month, but the desire from committee members around the table has led to three meetings in under a month.
Darling says the vacant buildings around the city need to be looked into as well.
He says the Growth committee will look into all of the available land and the value associated with it, and then decide the best way of moving forward.
Darling says this growth plan that’s currently being developed is necessary in moving forward with the ultimate goal of growing Saint John.
The Growth Committee will be presenting their growth plan to common council in the new year.
Darling says Saint John needs to know what direction its going in and also needs to know what success looks like.
He admits the city has been guilty in the past of not having these plans in place.