Why can’t insurance cover it?
That was the buring question at the public meeting in St. Stephen concerning the future of the Maxwell Crossing Covered Bridge.
The bridge was significantly damaged last month after a car crashed into it.
Department of Transporation representative Alan Kerr says they are currently pursuing an insurance claim, but it would be highly unlikely that insurance would cover the entire cost.
Many payment options were discussed including provincial funding and fundraising.
Kerr estimated the cost of repairing the bridge at $500 thousand dollars versus $300 thousand to build a new modular version.
Members of St. Stephen Town Council were on hand.
Councillor Jim Maxwell spoke on stage saying we know you’re not here to tell us you’re tearing down that bridge.
Councillor Allan MacEachern says repairing the bridge makes sense adding its worth more as a covered bridge.
Before Local Service District President Vern Faulkner closed the meeting, he handed out parting gifts to each of the government representatives–Covered Bridge potato chips.