Get ready for more construction headaches if you are travelling in uptown Saint John.
Phase two of the Charlotte Street reconstruction project is set to begin on Monday.
The street will be closed between Union and King streets for approximately 10 weeks.
Officials said the closure is necessary for road repairs and reconstruction, as well as the installation of new curb, sidewalks, brick medians, street lighting and underground storm sewer.
You will still be able to get to properties and businesses inside of the closed section.
City officials said traffic coming up King Street will still be able to turn right onto Charlotte Street.
“Once reconstruction is ready to begin at that intersection, it will be closed and traffic will no longer be able to turn right,” a spokesperson said in an email, adding that a traffic advisory will be issued prior to the closure.
The latest phase of the construction project will also mean changes to Saint John Transit.
Buses will not be able to service stops at King’s Square North, King Street, Charlotte Street or City Hall at the bottom of King Street.
As a result, temporary stops will be set up at two locations — one on Water Street and another on King Street East.
Transit detours are expected to be in place for eight weeks. You can find more details about the detour routes on our website.