Country 94 is extremely proud to partner with many non-profits and charitable organizations that make a difference in our community! We’re shining a spotlight on these organizations to share how they’re continuing to help our community through the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as how we can help support them.
What has been a highlight for your organization from the past year?
“Our highlights from the past year have been bringing more awareness and training to the topic of suicide prevention and the work our committee has been doing. We held successful events such as a coffee house, SOS run and Yellow Shirt day. These events continue to help reduce the stigma surrounding the topic of suicide. We appreciate all of the community support and hope to continue to do great work.”
What message do you have for the community right now?
“The message right now would be to reach out for support. Our community is in this together and there are many local supports available online and by phone. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help and support and to let others know that you are there for support. It is comforting to feel the community unity.”
How can our community help you at this time?
“People can visit our facebook page (facebook.com/saintjohnsuicidepreventioncommittee) to find helpful articles and community resources. The following are phone numbers to help find support as well:
Mobile Mental Health Crisis: 1-888-811-3664
CHIMO: 1-800-667-5005
Kids help phone: 1-800-668-6868″
Thank you, Saint John Suicide Prevention Committee, for all that you do for our community!. Visit https://www.facebook.com/sjsuicidepreventioncommittee/ to find out more information.