Country 94 is extremely proud to partner with many non-profits and charitable organizations that make a difference in our community! We’re shining a spotlight on these organizations to share how they’re continuing to help our community through the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as how we can help support them.
What has been a highlight for your organization from the past year?
“The highlight for the Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation, is and has always been, our donors. This year, we have seen extraordinary compassion and excitement for many different healthcare causes. It is inspiring to see how generous and heartfelt our community is.
What message do you have for the community right now?
We support healthcare on daily basis. But the best support we can all offer right now is to stay home and follow the direction of Public Health. We are helping our healthcare workers by flattening the curve and reducing the burden on them.
How can our community help you at this time?
The needs of our healthcare system are many, and resources are stretched. We have initiated the New Brunswick COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to help. You can find it at www.thegive.ca ”
Thank you, Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation, for all that you do for our community! Visit them at https://thegive.ca/ to find out more information.