**If you see a road closed or with water on it, let us know by emailing news@radioabl.ca or calling (506) 648-3000.**
Bay Street in Saint John is closed at Westfield Road (detour Gault Road).
Lawrence Long Road in Saint John is closed.
Dominion Park Road in Saint John is closed (detour Green Head Road).
Beach Road in Saint John is closed.
The Belleisle Bay, Evandale, Westfield and Summerville-Millidgeville ferries out of service.
Main Street in Hampton is closed from Cemetery Road to Railway Crescent. Cemetery Road is also closed between Main Street and Langstroth Terrace. Please use Kennebecasis River Road.
Brittain Road in Grand Bay-Westfield is closed from Route 177 to McKenzie Road.
Westfield Road is closed to thru traffic at the intersection of Route 177.
The road above the Belleisle Ferry is covered in water.
Station Loop Road is closed from Route 100 to the first house.
Darlings Island Road is closed.
Route 850 is closed from Erb’s Cove to Whiting Lane.
Route 850 is closed from Upper Midland Road to Rogers Road.
Beulah Camp Road in Browns Flat is closed.
Darlings Island Road in Darlings Island is closed.
Station Loop Road is closed from Route 100 to the first house in Nauwigewauk.
Milkish Creek Road is closed between civic # 125 and 142.
McKenzie Road at Woodsman’s Point is closed.
Sunset Valley Road at Woodsman’s Point is closed.
West Tenants Cove Road in Springfield is closed.
Browns Cove Road near Kars is closed.
Elms Road in Kars is closed from Ferry Road to Route 705.
Route 124 in Springfield is closed from Route 710 to Route 695.
Route 845 in Moss Glen is closed from Neck Road to Piper Town Road.