If elected, the Green Party says it will focus on assisting low-income residents with high electricity payments.
Leader David Coon announced Thursday plans to establish the New Brunswick Electricity Support Program to counteract NB Power’s high rate hikes.
Families earning after-tax incomes below $70,000 would benefit from monthly payments of $25 to help alleviate the increased electricity costs.
Party officials say the amount would vary based on household size and income, and nearly 200,000 households would qualify for this initiative.
Coon also stated both Progressive Conservatives and Liberals ignored the EUB’s advice and proceeded with the refurbishment of Point Lepreau.
He feels this has set New Brunswick back in its journey to adopt inexpensive renewable energy sources within a smart grid equipped with storage capabilities.
“Low-income New Brunswickers should not be forced to pay for Liberal and Tory mistakes,” added Coon.
“My commitment is to help them make ends meet in the face of these sky-high rates.”
The Green Party also plans to eliminate the subsidies that both Liberal and Conservative administrations have provided to pulp mills, which they say have been used to prevent their electricity expenses from exceeding the national average for the industry.
“Premier Higgs has allowed the big subsidies for the big pulp mills to grow even bigger under his watch,” Coon added. “It is time to put an end to this corporate welfare.”