(The following opinion piece is not aimed at the very few who for medical reasons cannot receive the vaccine.)
Quebec is considering special law to prevent anti-vax protesters from blocking access to hospitals and schools.Fed up with protests at schools, hospitals, Quebec premier prepares special law. Quebec Premier François Legault says he will introduce a special bill to prevent anti-vaccination protests in front of places such as schools and hospitals.
So let’s put one in the win column for the Quebec Premier. The proposed law would basically create a buffer zone around hospitals and schools. Anti-vaccers have blocked entrances to hospitals and harass the nurses and doctors trying to save lives. These protesters have also caused problems at some schools across the country intimidating teachers and young children.
What boggles the mind is that teachers, nurses and doctors do not make laws or mandates , governments do. To me it would make more sense to protest at the offices of the people who make the laws and declare certain mandates.
If you do not want to get vaccinated so you put yourself , your family and your community at risk of serious illness or even death that of course is your choice, it is not your place to harass those who save lives and teach our children.