The Francophone South School District is encouraging parents, students and other members of the community, to say thanks.
Superintendent Monique Boudreau says the pandemic has been tough for everyone, “It has been hard on all of the staff, so we are really creating this movement to say thanks, to say that we are grateful for all of the hard work to help maintain kids in school.”
Boudreau says drawings, cards or even videos can show gratitude.
“Of course, it is the principals and the teachers, but custodians, school bus drivers, education support staff. We want our children to do drawings, cards and even post videos giving thanks,” Boudreau says.
You can share your gratitude to share in social media using the #DeToutCoeurDSFS.
“We are hoping it is going to create a big vibe in the community and have every community get engaged in this event and show appreciation to the staff,” Boudreau says. “We cannot deny the challenges surrounding the pandemic, but thanks to the staff members, school life continues, offering students a meaningful experience filled with success stories.”
🎉|DE TOUT ❤️AVEC LE PERSONNEL SCOLAIRE|🎉Le DSFS lance sa campagne « De tout cœur avec le personnel scolaire » du 16 au…
Posted by District scolaire francophone Sud on Friday, November 13, 2020
Message de monsieur Yvon Lapierre, maire de Dieppe, dans le cadre de la campagne De tout cœur avec le personnel scolaire du District scolaire francophone Sud. Merci, monsieur Lapierre.
Posted by District scolaire francophone Sud on Monday, November 16, 2020