As more people head outdoors, there are increasing reports of ticks.
Andrew Holland of the Nature Conservancy of Canada says they are becoming more and more common across the country.
“You’re seeing additional testing done and then more awareness every year, and that’s really been the case the last four or five years, is that more and more people are finding these ticks, and it’s not just out in the woods if you’re going out on a hike or things like that, you could be out golfing.”
although you can find them in many different areas, you also might not even find any.
“We want people to go out and enjoy nature. It’s good for our physical well-being, it’s good for our mental outlook, all we’re trying to do is highlight the need to look for ticks and clean your clothes and wash down and just be mindful of these because they can cause a lot of issues.”
Holland says if you find a tick on you, especially one that’s embedded, remove it as quickly as possible.
“If you do have an embedded tick, you can visit your doctor, if you can get to them quickly, and try to get some antibiotics, that’s for sure, that’s the thing to do but there are, to try to tackle it, your local pharmacy sells tick removers and these are helpful and people should look at those.”
He says the ticks themselves aren’t dangerous but many carry bacterial diseases and they want people to just be vigilant and to use bug sprays with DEET and says long sleeves and long pants are also good preventative measures.
****Questions and answers: How to prepare for tick season in the outdoors****
Found in southwestern and eastern Ontario, as well as parts of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces blacklegged ticks can cause Lyme disease, an infectious disease spread by tick bites. In 2017, there were 2,025 cases of Lyme disease reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada; an increase from 144 in 2009.
The good news is that you can learn how to protect yourself from tick bites. All you need are the facts, and you can continue to enjoy the outdoors — tick-free.
Here are a few common questions about tick safety:
1. Are ticks common or rare?
It’s difficult to say, as they often have patchy distribution. Sometimes you may find many; other times you may go weeks or months without seeing any. If you are bushwhacking in places where there are deer, then your chances of seeing them increase.
2. How dangerous are ticks?
Ticks themselves are not dangerous, but they can carry various bacterial diseases that are harmful to humans.
3. Can I use mosquito spray with DEET to keep them away?
DEET is somewhat effective at repelling ticks. It is best to also wear long sleeves and pants, and to keep loose clothing tucked in to provide a physical barrier.
4. Can ticks get carried into my vehicle? Can they get caught in my tent and brought home with me?
To both of the above — absolutely! If a tick hitches a ride on you, it will often wander around on your clothing and skin for some time, looking for the perfect place to have supper. During this time, it may get brushed off, or wander onto your vehicle’s upholstery or onto something in your tent. Ticks can even survive a cold laundry wash and can end up anywhere in your home. The best way to avoid these scenarios is by brushing off all your gear before you head home. This is also a good way to help stop the spread of invasive plants and insects in general and is a good practice to make a habit of.
5. I kayak and canoe in rivers and lakes. Can ticks get inside my boat when it’s on the shore?
Look over your vessel before you jump in it. Artificial materials, such as plastics and metals, can be inhospitable environments for a tick. The risk is there, but is likely to be relatively low. Just make sure you check yourself over, along with your gear and pets, at the end of your day.
6. How do I effectively check myself for ticks?
The best way is to remove all your clothing and look for ticks. Run your hands over your skin to find any that might be embedded. Some people find ticks tickly when they are walking around on their skin, or itchy when they are embedded, so that can make them easier to find, but don’t rely on feeling them. Look carefully!
7. Are there ticks in my garden, local neighbourhood park or are they just in really “wild” areas in the countryside?
It is quite possible that they could be in any of those spots, as any area with plants and mammals may harbour ticks. They are a natural part of our wild ecosystems.
8. What should I wear to help avoid picking up ticks or getting bitten by them? Are there any colours or types of fabric that they don’t like?
Wear long sleeves and pants, and tuck your pants into your socks and your shirt into your waistband. Wearing light-coloured clothing makes it easier for you to see ticks.
9. My local pharmacy sells tick removers. Are these helpful in removing an embedded tick? Should I still go to my doctor or local emergency if I suspect a tick bite?
There are several kits available to help you remove ticks, and they can be very effective. The sooner you remove an embedded tick, the less risk you have of contracting a disease. However, if you do have an embedded tick, it’s always a good idea to visit your doctor immediately and seek a course of antibiotics, just to be sure. If the tick is wandering around on you and looking for somewhere to bite, then simply brush it off and check yourself and your gear thoroughly for others. If the tick has not bitten you, your chances of contracting a tick-borne disease are negligible.
10. How quickly should I go to my doctor if I suspect a tick bite?
As soon as you possibly can, preferably that day or the next. The sooner you can get treatment, the more effective it is.