The nomination deadline has come and gone for the New Brunswick provincial election.
Candidates had until 2 p.m. Tuesday to submit their paperwork to Elections NB.
Just over 200 candidates have put their names forward, according to the agency.
Both the Progressive Conservatives and Liberals have a full slate of 49 candidates.
The Greens have 46 candidates, the New Democrats have 23 and the People’s Alliance has 13.
The Libertarian Party is fielding 18 candidates, the Consensus NB Party has three and the Social Justice Party has two.
Four people have also put their names forward as independents in four separate ridings.
Residents in the southwestern New Brunswick riding of Saint Croix will have the most candidates to choose from. There are seven candidates on the ballot in that riding, including one independent.
Meanwhile, in two northwestern ridings, residents will only have two options on the ballot.
Hautes-Terres-Nepisiguit and Caraquet only have Liberal and Progressive Conservative candidates.
Voters will head to the polls on Oct. 21. Advance voting takes place on Oct. 12 and 15.
You can find the full list of candidates on the Elections NB website.