Well it’s just about time and not a moment to soon to say goodbye to 2020 and look forward to a safer and happier 2021.To say that 2020 was a tough year would be a gross understatement. Everyone has had to make sacrifices some greater than others and many have lost loved ones due to the pandemic. Businesses struggled and still do to survive and many lost their jobs and many had and still do work from home.
To all of you who had to go to work during the lock downs and risk your health and lives we could never thank you enough. To all the front line workers you are truly our heroes thank you.
As I write this blog we (zone 2) are currently in the yellow phase which will make Christmas and the Holidays a little more like normal, i emphasize little. Finally I think we can all give ourselves a little pat on the back for doing our part to stay as safe as possible and flatten the COVID-19 curve
Finally I would like to wish all of you a very merry and safe Christmas and a very happy and much better 2021
(PS-Eat lots of turkey and Xmas treats your 2020 weight needs a little bump up lol)