The "West Side Walkway" is a partnership between the Carleton Community Centre and several community partners, including Seaside Park Elementary School, Harbour View High School, the YMCA and the city. (Photo: City of Saint John)
A new project dubbed the “West Side Walkway” is providing a safer walk to school for students on Saint John’s lower west side.
Sidewalks and crosswalks between Seaside Park Elementary School, Harbour View High School and the Carleton Community Centre have been mapped out to identify safer routes.
Interactive colourful artwork has been painted and decals have been installed along the routes for children to follow.
“We are proud to support this fun and innovative community-driven initiative and thank everyone involved for their time, resources and commitment to the project,” said Tim O’Reilly, the city’s head traffic engineer, in a news release.
“The West Side Walkway fits very well within the mix of the larger MoveSJ Plan to get us one step closer to our aspirational goal.”
According to the release, the city’s MoveSJ transportation plan has a goal of providing each Saint John citizen “the opportunity to use the mode of transportation of their choice and be safe while doing so.”
The “West Side Walkway” project was led by the community centre with help from several community partners, including Seaside Park Elementary School, Harbour View High School, the YMCA and the city.