If the COVID-19 pandemic has made hockey a bit more out of reach for you and your family, there is help available.
Donna Iampiere is the executive director of the Hockey Canada Foundation and tells us about their new Assist Fund, which represents a commitment of $1 million from Hockey Canada and provides up to $500 towards the cost of registration.
“(The fund was set up) to ensure that dollars available for families and kids who have been impacted by COVID-19,” says Iampiere, “Our unemployment rates in Canada have doubled since February, and we need to be sure that the money is there and gets to the families and kids who need help paying for registration.”
With the season getting started for some leagues across Canada already, Iampiere adds that even if you’ve already paid the registration fees you can still get support from the fund.
“(People in that situation) can go through the application process and if approved, we would pay the funds directly to their local hockey association. That local association would then pay for the registration, or refund the family if they’ve already covered the cost.”
Jarome Iginla knows how golden an assist can be.
— Hockey Canada (@HockeyCanada) October 19, 2020
The NEW The Hockey Canada Foundation Assist Fund is providing $1M in hockey registration funding to get youth back to playing they game they love. #HCFAssistFund
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