New Brunswick NDP leader Mackenzie Thomason. (Image: Facebook)
Mackenzie Thomason, the leader of the New Brunswick New Democratic Party, answered questions from the business community in an online event hosted by New Brunswick’s Chambers of Commerce and economic development organizations Wednesday morning.
Thomason says when it comes to COVID-19 economic recovery, the NDP is focused on a holistic, and bottom-up approach, ensuring small businesses get the support they need.
“That works by getting more money in the hands of every day working New Brunswickers. It also is achieved by making sure our small and medium businesses are able to compete, are able to hire more employees,” he said.
“Our small and medium-sized businesses are the ones that create jobs for the province. They’re the ones that stimulate the economy the quickest, that stimulate the economy the most, and especially, coming out of the COVID time, we are going to need a very strong, very robust small business community to help reignite a lot of the job losses that have been a prevalent issue during COVID.”