Dr. Jennifer Russell. (GNB YouTube)
For nearly two weeks, there have been no new cases of COVID-19 in New Brunswick.
However, Chief medical officer of health, Dr. Jennifer Russell says we must proceed with caution.
“Some may think we no longer have to worry about the virus,” said Higgs. “We are still vulnerable. We are surrounded by COVID-19 and, though we are doing our best to keep New Brunswickers safe, we are still at risk.”
Dr. Russell says they are still actively testing to detect any new cases and residents should continue to monitor themselves for symptoms
She says symptoms include a headache, runny nose, fatigue and the loss of the sense of taste or smell.
As restrictions are loosened, we are becoming more mobile and Russell asks residents respect the two-household bubble rule to limit the potential spread of the virus.
“It is very important to stay in your bubble – one household unit joined with another household unit – and avoid the temptation to go beyond it,” said Russell. “If you have matched up with a family friend or relation, neither group can form a bubble with anyone else. This sets up the potential for a chain of contagion where infection could be passed between groups. The potential consequences of this could be tragic.”
Of the 118 confirmed cases, only two are currently active and neither are requiring hospital care.