Carleton Martello Tower National Historic Site sits on a commanding height of land dominating the surrounding municipal landscape and harbour approaches. (Image: CNW Group/Groupe Atwill-Morin)
A company has been given the contract to refurbish and repair the historic Carleton Martello Tower in west Saint John.
Parks Canada says Atwill-Morin Group will be doing a complete overhaul of the tower overlooking Saint John Harbour.
The CEO, Matthew Atwill-Morin says “It’s one large masonry jigsaw puzzle which will see walls 2 metres thick disassembled, numbered, cleaned and replaced, the tower rises 9 metres and has a cannon platform 15 metres in width at the base and this a very meticulous project.”
The work is expected to be completed by December 24th, 2020.
Construction of the original tower first began in 1813 during the War of 1812.