Workers found what they described to us as a tunnel while excavating part of Mecklenburg Street in Saint John on August 7, 2019. (Submitted/Ralph Dorbyson)
Construction crews working on an uptown Saint John street have made an unexpected discovery.
Workers found what they described to us as a tunnel while excavating part of Mecklenburg Street on Wednesday.
Lisa Caissie, a spokesperson for the city, said it appears to be an old coal chute or something of that nature.
“It was most likely installed before the previous underground infrastructure in the area (early 1900s), as both sides of the construction were blocked off with rocks,” said Caissie in an email.
Caissie said crews will fill the space with flowable concrete in the right of way to ensure there is not an area for potential collapse under the new road.
“Excavation is not advisable because it runs directly under a gas service,” she said.
Caissie said the discovery will not delay the overall work, which is expected to continue until mid-October.