An individual sending a text message on an iPhone. (Submitted)
A new program will help young people transitioning out of foster care in New Brunswick stay connected.
TELUS is working with Partners For Youth, which helps young people facing challenges, to provide free smartphones and two-year plans.
Fiona Williams, executive director of Partners For Youth, said this program will help young adults as they gain independence.
“Having access to the internet is incredibly important and having a phone is important for job interviews, for safety reasons, just being connected in general,” said Williams.
Youth leaving foster care often cannot get phones on their own because they have no credit and no one to co-sign for them, Williams said.
She said the program will also help the youth build positive credit and gain the skills needed to manage their finances in the future.
Williams said it has been a lifesaver for one man who used to live at Safe Harbour House in Saint John.
“It’s been essential to his next steps moving forward,” she said. “His getting into school, his staying connected with Safe Harbour House, anything around housing, jobs.”
Williams anticipates about 100 New Brunswickers will be able to access the Mobility for Good program. It is already available in several other provinces but New Brunswick is the first in Atlantic Canada.
You can find out more about it online or by calling Partners For Youth at (506) 462-0323.