Nelson Terroba is the former head coach of the Saint John Riptide. (Submitted/Saint John Riptide)
The Saint John Riptide are on the hunt for talent ahead of the upcoming National Basketball League of Canada season.
The team held an open tryout in Dallas, Texas, in May as they search for undiscovered talent.
Nelson Terroba, head coach of the Riptide, said about 20 potential players came out to the event.
“Which is good for us to try to keep those numbers manageable so we can get a chance to look at some guys,” said Terroba, noting they did find a couple of potential players.
Several of the Riptide’s current and former players have come from Texas, including T.J. Maston, Marvin Binney and Malcolm Miller.
Riptide Announce Los Angeles, Austin Tryouts https://t.co/97iE03HItx
— Saint John Riptide (@sjriptide) June 17, 2019
Terroba said they plan to hold similar tryouts in Austin, Texas, and Los Angeles this summer — and they are exploring the potential of doing one in the Toronto area.
“I think there’s a lot of guys who just need an opportunity. We might do four of those camps and there might be five guys that come out of that that make it past our tests, past our inspections.”
During the tryouts, the prospective players are taught about the team’s offence and defence systems, then get a chance to play so coaching staff can see what they are all about.