Bill Oliver is the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal in New Brunswick. (Submitted)
It looks like the Higgs government is coming to the rescue of those who have to travel on Highway 7, especially between two Grand Bay-Westfield exits.
On Thursday we heard that a lot of people are very concerned about the condition of the road with the Grand Bay-Westfield Mayor Grace Losier calling it deplorable.
Losier called on the Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Bill Oliver, MLA for the area, to do something about it.
Minister Oliver says it was already on their radar for construction season.
“It has been one that I received many calls and emails on so from route 102 which is the exit that goes to the River Road area to Milligan Brook we are going to rehab that road” stated Minister Oliver.
He says look for the work to begin on that section of Highway 7 within one to two months.
Meantime the CAA had four New Brunswick roads listed on this years top ten worst roads in Atlantic Canada list, with Tripp Settlement Road being named the worst of them all.
Oliver says it was a real eye-opener for him.
“It was embarrassing to have that many listed in the top ten and every one of the roads that were mentioned there are on our asset management plan to do work this year, they will all be addressed in one form or another,” and Oliver says he is looking forward to not appearing on the list next year.