Dominion Park Road on April 22nd, 2019. (Photo credit: Tamara Steele)
**Last updated at 10:18 p.m. on Sunday, May 5**
Sections along the following roads in Saint John remain closed:
- Beach Road
- By Road #7 at civic #51 near the end
- Lawrence Long Road near the end
Road closures outside the city of Saint John:
- Cameron Road in Rothesay
- Ricketts Lane in Rothesay
- Tennis Court Road in Rothesay
- Brittain Road at the Nerepis Road end in Grand Bay-Westfield
- Riverside Park in Grand Bay-Westfield
- Shannon Road in Grand-Bay Westfield
- Cemetery Road from Main Street to the curling club in Hampton
- Beulah Camp Road between civic 359 and 380 in Browns Flat
- Browns Cove Road off Route 124 in Kars
- Elms Road in Evandale
- Ganong Road from Route 850 to Peters Hill in Elmhurst
- McKenzie Road off Brittain Road in Nerepis
- Milkish Creek Road between Carter Point Road to Neck Road on the Kingston Peninsula
- Norton Shore Road between Ketchum Road and Perry Point Road in Kingston Corner
- Sunset Valley Road from civic 118 up in Nerepis
- West Tennants Cove Road off Route 124 in Lower Kars