Image: Submitted/Elections New Brunswick
Now is a good chance to get your feet wet if you are interested in politics.
Nominations are open in 12 communities to fill 14 vacancies in municipal byelections on May 6.
Paul Harpelle, spokesperson for Elections New Brunswick, said the council vacancy in Saint John’s ward 3 has the most interest, with five candidates so far.
“With that many people showing interest in running, hopefully their efforts will be rewarded by people coming out and voting for them,” said Harpelle.
Attention Ward 3 Residents! A Municipal By-Election will be held on May 6, 2019 for a Ward 3 seat on Saint John Common Council. For more information: https://t.co/JIdbQvISww
— City of Saint John (@cityofsaintjohn) April 8, 2019
Harpelle said other council vacancies, like the one in Salisbury, currently have no candiates. Any seats left vacant after the byelections will not be filled until next May’s municipal elections.
“Sometimes it’s a bit of a cat-and-mouse game waiting to see who else might step forward and test the waters,” Harpelle said. “We still have time.”
Other vacancies in southern New Brunswick include Blacks Harbour, which is looking for two councillors, and Campobello, which is in need of a mayor.
Harpelle said once you download the nomination forms, you will need to find 10 nominators.
“That would be 10 people that live in the municipality and/or the ward where you’re intending to run that are willing to sign your nomination papers saying that they support your endeavour,” he said.
Harpelle said you can then file the papers with your local returning officer before 2 p.m. Friday.