David Coon is the leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick. (Submitted)
New Brunswick’s Green party leader is not happy with how the province is handling the nursing home dispute.
David Coon is calling on Premier Blaine Higgs to get back to the bargaining table and negotiate in good faith with nursing home workers.
On Monday, a judge rescinded a 10-day stay order which had prevented workers from walking off the job.
But the province immediately filed an appeal, and the Court of Appeal agreed to extend the stay until Thursday.
“I don’t understand why the premier is wasting his time with another appeal to the courts when he should be sitting down at the negotiating table to resolve this,” said Coon in a statement on Tuesday.
“He needs to bargain in good faith, and he can’t do that from a courtroom.”
Coon said the labour shortage in nursing homes will not be addressed overnight, but increasing wages and care time for residents will help with worker recruitment and retention.