David Coon is the leader of the Green Party of New Brunswick. (Submitted)
New Brunswick’s Green party leader is embarking on a provincial tour called “The Future is Renewable.”
David Coon says he is meeting with community leaders and entrepreneurs working to build a green energy economy.
Coon says many people he has talked to are facing challenges when trying to get renewable programs off the ground.
“If there are real barriers to the development of our ability to substitue fossil fuels by renewable energy, then I want to help tear those down,” said Coon.
Coon has already met with Saint John Energy to learn about their renewable energy initiatives. He said the utility has really grabbed the green energy future and is running with it.
Last Friday, I launched my renewables tour. This afternoon, I'm visiting Mark and Caroline D'Arcy's home, where they have retrofitted their house to be more efficient. Follow along as I travel across the province to hear more stories like these! https://t.co/UvQnDjJRmX
— David Coon (@DavidCCoon) February 19, 2019
“How to bring green energy onto the grid for customers in Saint John, incorporating the latest in energy storage, to really actually implement a smart grid in the city,” Coon said.
The tour comes as Progressive Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs made a trip to Saskatchewan last weekend to attend a pro-pipeline rally.
Coon said it is clear they do not see eye-to-eye on the urgency of taking climate action to get off fossil fuels.
“That means seriously launching initiatives now to ensure we’re increasingly using more and more renewable sources of energy and becoming far more energy efficient to stamp out energy waste,” he said.