With all of the construction around the city right now, a reminder is going out to all motorists.
Take care when travelling through construction zones.
When work is being done on the main road into work, patience is the key. Construction workers have a job to do, and the delays you face will be worthwhile in the end.
Health and Safety Officer with the City of Moncton Gerry Doucette says one of the most important things you should do is slow down, “If you are in a 50 km/h zone, please drop it down to about 25 km/h or 30 km/h. If you hit the brakes, you will be able to stop on time.”
Doucette says those workers are someone else’s moms, dads, sisters or brothers and it would be horrible to see one of them end up in hospital because of a motorist who was driving too fast or being impatient, “There are so many things the construction workers have to concentrate on, that they really depend on the citizens to drive slowly and be a little more aware when you are around a construction site.”